Monday 29 August 2016


Wormhole Science -
Shortcuts through SpaceTime.
The movie Interstellar touched upon this idea slightly. I was expecting a lot more to be honest, considering that Kip Thorne, the founding father of Wormhole Science, is on the Executive Board of the movie. But they showed some aspects of the science at least, a visual aid explanation of how SpaceTime curvature can potentially allow for FTL (Faster Than Light) equivalent shortcuts. They used a Deus Ex Machina notion (a wormhole that mysteriously shows up near Saturn).

In State/Craft contexts, we industrialize this concept. Exalted beings known as Arch-Pivots utilize nearby exotic matter at the outer edges of candidate stellar systems, and essentially invoke a wormhole to shuttle test particles over to far out destinations, FTL.
In this case, the test particles are not spaceships, they are minor planets of the ilk of our Pluto, in the Kuiper-equivalent belts of each stellar system which is a part of the Visceral Empire.
Arch-Pivots along with lesser journeymen pivots operate Guleil - which is a transfer and exchange mechanism for such minor planets amongst partner stellar systems.
The below graphic illustrates this concept -

Sunday 28 August 2016

Where were we again?
Ah ... that whoosh, and that sense of wonder.
Simple machines and compound machines, wheel/gear/axle assemblies ... Pogo sticks ... Rafts.
We need the rush on a continued basis, always looking out for the next big ride.

So what's the next big one?
Yesterday leading up to now:
Star Trek had inspired Miguel Alcubierre to discover the warp drive metric, wherein the SpaceTime behind the test particle (i.e. spaceship) expands, and an opposite contraction occurs in the front of the ship. This allows for FTL (Faster Than Light) travel.
This works, but is not energy efficient.
Wormhole science uses less exotic matter and is hence more practical.
The origin for this science is at
M. S. Morris and K. S. Thorne, Am. J. Phys. 56 (1988)
M. S. Morris, K. S. Thorne and U. Yurtsever, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 61 (1988) 1446.

This technology also possesses the advantage of having the toolkit of quantum gravity at its behest. Much can be done with it, including resolution of the quandaries of teleportation (I've always wondered how the heck did Scotty beam up Kirk and crew again?)

State/Craft takes the concept of wormhole science to an industrial scale, deployed across a large swath of the universe (the Laniakea).

Saturday 27 August 2016

State/Craft: What's in it for you?

Everyone wants to get somewhere, and do something. When I was a kid, my wide eyed dream was to jump around with a pogo stick. We didn’t have those around where I was from, but references to their existence were in mainstream media, and that had hooked me. I really wanted to do that pogo stick jump.
Now take it back to pre-history: imagine how it would have been for our cave dwelling ancestors. The first time someone might have tied together a bunch of branches and made a makeshift raft, and happened  to undergo acceleration on some rapids, just imagine that whoosh they would have felt.
My friends, that whoosh has no shelf life expiry date.
Yesterday, Star Trek inspired the Alcubierre warp drive.
Today, we are taking it further with wormhole technology. We are rustling together branches like holonomy, geometric phase and the likes, similar to how our cave dwelling ancestors did with their rafts, and we can travel on further now, along the Rapids of Space-Time!
All that we need to do is retain that sense of exhilaration.
Civilization has turned us more cynical than need be. We have to crank that back down a bit, crank up the imagination, and feel the wonder.

State/Craft: Is the Aegis wherein the wonder always stays rekindled. Come join the trip!

Friday 26 August 2016


Greetings - friends, family ... well-wishers. All ye who grace my life, as readers for my written works and listeners for my spoken and sung works, being the audience for my efforts.
So hark ye:
Aelan - State/Craft: Vision of the Seeker is set to launch very soon, under the auspices of Solstice Publishing -

Watch this space!